【目的】 介绍利用新技术进行学术短视频生产的方法和实践经验,为科技期刊利用学术短视频提升公众传播力和影响力提供参考。【方法】 采用文献调研、对比分析和案例分析的方法,调研科技期刊短视频的发展现状,分析学术短视频生产中存在的创作困难、质量不高、不能持续供应等问题,提出新技术赋能的学术短视频生产方案。【结果】 借鉴Science China Information Sciences(SCIS)的工作经验,科技期刊可以利用人工智能技术实现学术短视频自动生成,用视频制作App辅助学术短视频创作,或利用HTML5技术提升短视频的可交互性。通过对比SCIS学术论文的短视频宣传和文字内容宣传发现,生动有趣的学术短视频能够获得比文字内容更高的浏览量,可有效提升学术论文的传播力。【结论】 借助先进的信息科学技术,科技期刊能够高效、高质量、可持续地进行学术短视频生产,有利于实现学术论文的广泛传播。
[Purposes] This paper introduces the methods and experience of using advanced technology to produce academic short videos, so as to provide a reference for scientific journals to enhance public communication and influence via short video. [Methods] Through methods of literature research, comparison, and case analysis, we investigated the development of short videos of scientific journals, analyzed the challenges in video creation, video quality, and continuous creation, and proposed technology-energized production schemes for the videos. [Findings] According to the experience of Science China Information Sciences (SCIS), scientific journals can use AI interpreting for automatic generation of short videos, App to assist in video creation, and HTML5 to improve the interactivity of the videos. A comparison between short video and text in the publicity of SCIS papers proves that vivid and interesting academic short videos can receive more views than text, thus enhancing the dissemination of academic papers. [Conclusions] Via advanced information technology, scientific journals can efficiently and sustainably produce high-quality academic short videos, which is beneficial to the dissemination of academic papers.
Key words:
Academic short video,
Advanced technology,
Short video creation,
AI interpreting
蒋恺, 宋扉, 杨海燕, 冯景, 刘旸. 新技术赋能的科技期刊学术短视频生产方法与实践[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(10): 1398-1403.
JIANG Kai, SONG Fei, YANG Haiyan, FENG Jing, LIU Yang. Advanced technology-energized academic short video creation: Methods and practice[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(10): 1398-1403.