【目的】 探索医学期刊的知识服务实践,为医学期刊的科学传播创新提供参考。【方法】 以《中华医学杂志》为研究对象,采用案例研究法和文献分析法进行系统研究。【结果】 借助继续医学教育、微信平台、重要文章发布会、数据库,以及优先出版、按需出版、开放阅读等方式,《中华医学杂志》打造多元化场景的知识服务、联结传播渠道,从而使得科学共同体和公众读者获得较好的知识服务体验。【结论】 医学期刊的知识服务实践应以科学传播为宗旨,在实现增值服务的同时,推进科学知识在科学共同体和普通读者间的传播。
[Purposes] This paper explores the knowledge service practice of medical journals, which is expected to serve as a reference for innovative science communication of the journals. [Methods] Taking National Medical Journal of China as an example, the methods of case study and literature research were used for analysis. [Findings] Via continuing medical education, WeChat, press conference on important articles, and database, and methods like publishing online first, print-on-demand, and open access, National Medical Journal of China has created knowledge services for diversified scenarios and integrated various communication channels, thus providing the science community and common readers with excellent knowledge service. [Conclusions] With science communication as mission, knowledge service of medical journals should promote the dissemination of knowledge among scientific community and common readers.
Key words:
Medical journal,
Knowledge service,
Knowledge dissemination,
Science communication
邢梦莹, 朱瑶, 杨石华. 科学传播视域下的医学期刊知识服务——以《中华医学杂志》为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(10): 1386-1391.
XING Mengying, ZHU Yao, YANG Shihua. Knowledge service of medical journals from the perspective of science communication: Taking National Medical Journal of China as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(10): 1386-1391.