【目的】 分析2019—2020年我国学者发表在SCIE收录期刊上的医学研究型论文撤稿原因及其特征,为更有针对性地防范我国医学领域学术不端行为发生、完善科研诚信体系提供参考。【方法】 在撤稿观察数据库(Retraction Watch Database)中检索2019—2020年撤稿的我国医学SCIE研究型论文,提取撤销论文标题、作者姓名和单位、载文期刊名称、期刊出版商、撤稿原因等信息。应用GraphPad Prism 8.3.0软件进行描述性统计分析,对撤销论文发表期刊的影响因子和撤稿率进行Spearman相关性分析。【结果】 2019—2020年,我国医学SCIE研究型论文累计撤稿479篇,撤稿原因主要为关注或问题、重复发表、研究错误等,具体撤稿理由包括数据问题、图片问题、方法与结果问题、作者无回应等。撤销论文分布于194种期刊,其中PLoS ONE、European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences、Journal of Cellular Biochemistry、OncoTargets and Therapy、Biosciences Reports居撤销论文数量前5位,Springer Nature、Elsevier和PLoS居撤销论文出版商前3位。撤销论文载文期刊影响因子与期刊撤稿率呈负相关。【结论】 我国学者发表的医学类SCIE研究型论文因数据和图片等问题而被撤稿的概率较高,应加强我国医学领域科研诚信体系建设,减少学术不端行为发生。
[Purposes] This paper analyzes the reasons for the retraction of SCIE-indexed medical research articles by Chinese scholars from 2019 to 2020 and the characteristics of these articles, which is expected to provide insights into the prevention of academic misconducts and improvement of research integrity in medical science in China. [Methods] The SCIE-indexed medical research articles of Chinese scholars which were retracted in 2019-2020 were retrieved from Retraction Watch Database, and the documental information was recorded, including article title, authors, author affiliation, journal name, journal publisher, and reasons for the retraction. GraphPad Prism 8.3.0 was employed for descriptive analysis, and the correlation between the impact factor and retraction rate of the journals was examined by Spearman's correlation analysis. [Findings] A total of 479 retracted articles were screened out. The main reasons for the retraction included concerns/issues, duplications, and errors, which involved data, images, methods, results, and no response from the author. The retracted articles were published on 194 journals, and PLoS ONE, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, OncoTargets and Therapy, and Biosciences Reports ranked the top five in the number of the retracted articles. Moreover, the top three publishers of the retracted articles were Springer Nature, Elsevier, and PLoS. Spearman's correlation analysis revealed the negative correlation between the impact factor and the retraction rate of the journals. [Conclusions] A high retraction rate is found in SCIE-indexed medical research articles published by Chinese scholars due to data and image problems. Therefore, China should strengthen the research integrity to reduce the academic misconducts in medical science.
Key words:
Medical research article,
Academic integrity,
Retraction Watch Database
解傲, 袁路, 汪伟. 我国医学SCIE研究型论文被撤销的原因分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(5): 554-560.
XIE Ao, YUAN Lu, WANG Wei. Reasons for the retraction of SCIE-indexed medical research articles by Chinese scholars[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(5): 554-560.