【目的】 以广东省医药卫生期刊为统计源,建立科技期刊学术影响力综合评价指标体系,为我国科技期刊的综合评价提供参考。【方法】 选取《2017年中国科技期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》中10个文献计量指标,运用因子分析法对广东省医药卫生期刊影响力水平进行综合评价,构建期刊的综合评价函数。选择广东省医药卫生高校学报、外科学期刊验证综合指标,计算期刊的综合评分并且排序,将排序结果与影响因子的排序结果进行对比分析。【结果】 广东省医药卫生期刊影响力主要来源于3个公因子,即影响力总量因子、影响力强度因子和影响力时效性因子,分别在总被引频次、影响因子、被引半衰期上有最大的因子载荷。在权衡这3个因素的基础上,构建期刊影响力综合评价函数。实例验证显示该综合指标体系能够较好地避免影响因子在时间、被引频次等方面的局限性。【结论】 期刊评价需要综合影响力总量、强度和时效性3个因素,既要体现期刊长期和近期的影响力,还要体现其发展变化趋势。期刊发展应当以数量、质量、时效性并重,将期刊办精办好、办强办大,注重传播效能以便学界快速获取和利用。
[Purposes] This paper aims to establish a formula of comprehensive evaluation indicator for scientific journals based on the statistics of medical journals in Guangdong Province to provide reference for comprehensive evaluation of scientific journals. [Methods] We selected 10 bibliometric indexes from Chinese Scientific Journal Citation Reports (Enlarged Edition) in 2017 and performed a factor analysis on the values of 10 indexes of medical journals in Guangdong Province to construct a formula of comprehensive evaluation indicator. Taking medical university journals and surgery journals as samples, we calculated the comprehensive scores of the journals and sorted them to compare their ranking results with the ranking results of the impact factors. [Finding] There are 3 potential factors influencing the 10 indicators: impact total-factor, impact strength-factor, and impact effectiveness-factor. These factors have a maximum factor load on the total citation frequency, impact factor, and cited half-life, respectively. A formula of comprehensive evaluation indicator of journal impact is constructed by weighing the three principle components. The comprehensive indicator is proved empirically being able to avoid the deviation of the impact factor in terms of time and citation frequency. [Conclusions] In journal evaluation, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the total impact, intensity, and timeliness, which not only reflect the long-term and recent influence of the journal, but also reflect its development trend. The development of medical journals should be based on quantity, quality, and timeliness. It should be emphasized that journals should be run well, and the effectiveness of communication should be focused on to facilitate the rapid acquisition and utilization of journal information in academic circles.
Key words:
Medical journal,
Journal evaluation,
Academic influence,
Factor analysis
王志娟,姚亚楠,杨克魁. 基于因子分析法的科技期刊学术影响力综合评价及发展建议——以广东省医药卫生期刊为统计源[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(10): 1036-1041.
WANG Zhijuan,YAO Ya'nan,YANG Kekui. Comprehensive evaluation of academic influence of scientific journals based on factor analysis and corresponding development suggestion:Taking medical journals in Guangdong Province as examples[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(10): 1036-1041.