[Purposes] This paper aims to have a comprehensive evaluation for 911 Chinese agricultural journals using dynam ic and static indexes.[Methods] Based on 5 core evaluation indexes of CNKI reports(2010-2013)as data resource,we analyze the journal development trend,area distribution and the role of increasement index.[Findings] The increasement index of comprehensive agricultural class is the highest,the number of the advanced journals of horticulture class is the most and more advanced agricultural journals are in Beijing.In 189 kinds of Chinese agricultural core journals,44 journals have been selected as core journals according to increasement index.[Conclusions] From 2009 to 2012,Chinese agricultural sci-tech journals have different levels of improvements,but some are slow or behind.Increasement index can reveal the dynam ic development of journals on the basis of static evaluation,which is the first time in the comprehensive evaluation system at present.
Key words:
Increasement index,
Journal evaluation,
Dynam ic index,
Core journal
张娟,李云霞,张以民. 期刊发展动态指标“增长指数”在期刊评价中的应用[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 1010-1016.
ZHANG Juan, ,ZHANG Yimin. Journal dynam ic assessment index“increasement index”as a new indicator for journal evaluation[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 1010-1016.