摘要: 目的 探析同行专家审稿行为的后评价工作,防范审稿失范行为,提高学术期刊质量。方法 通过对同行专家的审稿行为进行调研,探究同行专家审稿行为后评价的评价指标、评价途径和评价方法。结果 指出审稿行为后评价工作应基于评价指标,通过编辑、其他审稿专家、作者和读者的直接或间接评价来完成,并应重视影响评价效率和评价质量的相关工作环节。结论 建立规范的审稿行为后评价制度对防范审稿行为失范、提高学术期刊质量具有重要意义。
[Purpose] This paper is to analyze the postassessmentof peer-review ing behavior for the purpose of preventing improper peer-review ing behavior and improving the quality of academic journals.[Methodology] Based on the investigation and analysis of the frequent problems involved in peer-review ing behavior,the paper explores the index,approaches andmethods of postassessment of peer-review ing behavior.[Findings] It proposes that post assessment of peer-review ing behavior should be done directly or indirectly by the editor,author,readers as well as other peer-reviewers of a paper according to assessment index,and attaches importance to factors that influence the quality and efficiency of the assessment.[Conclusions] Building standard assessment system for peer-review ing behavior is critically important in terms of taking precaution against improper peer-review ing behavior and improving the quality of academic journals.
Key words:
Academic journal,
Peer-review ing behavior,
Post assessment
罗伟清. 同行专家审稿行为的后评价分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 578-582.
LUO Weiqing. Analysis on post assessment of peer-review ing behavior[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 578-582.