摘要: 目的 研究科技论文中文字复制比较低但仍然存在学术不端的现象,以提高论文审稿质量。方法 文献资料法,个案研究法以及综合分析法。结果 学术不端文献检测系统的检测结果多以文字的复制比来表示,但文字复制比的高低并不能代表作者是否有学术不端行为,有的文章虽然文字复制比较低,但仍然存在不端行为。结论 编辑不仅要检测文章的文字复制比,而且要切实履行编辑职责,运用不同方法审查稿件的隐性重复现象,提高编辑初审质量。
[Purpose] In order to improve the quality of the review,the phenomenon of academic m isconduct about the lower text copy ratio is studied.[Methodology] This paper uses literature research,case study method and analysis by synthesismethod.[Findings] The detection results of AMLC are shown in copying ratio,but the copying ratio can not representwhether the author has academ ic misconduct.Some article's copying ratio is relatively low,but there are stillmisconducts.[Conclusions] The editor not only tests the copying ratio,but also performs editing duties.The editor uses differentmethods to check the phenomenon of implicit repetition,improving the qualities of editor's initial evaluation.
Key words:
Implicit repetition,
陆宜新. 学术不端检测中的隐性重复现象分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 552-555.
LU Yixin. The analysis of im plicit repetition in the phenomenon of academ ic m isconduct[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 552-555.