摘要: 目的 分享《中华血液学杂志》网络化出版的实践经验,为广大科技期刊提供一套可借鉴的期刊网络化解决方案。方法 结合本刊在网络化方面一些有实际效用的实践,总结探讨科技期刊在网站建设、DOI标识、过刊回溯、与检索平台链接、新媒体应用等方面拓宽数字网络化应用的操作方法和经验。结果结果 全方位的网络化实践给期刊的DOI解析量、PubMed LinkOut点击量、全文下载量、影响因子和被引频次等指标均带来明显增长。结论 网络化推动了科技期刊的发展,在扩大期刊传播范围、提高期刊学术影响力和知名度等方面起到了积极作用。
PubMed LinkOut链接,
[Purpose] This paper aims atsharing the digital publishing experience of Chinese Journalof Hematology,and providing a solution for scientific and technical journals.[Methodology] By introducing some useful practices,we summarize methods and experiences of expanding digital publishing application in aspects of site construction,DOI tagging,links w ith retrieval platform,archive digitization backtracking and new media.[Findings] Practice of digital publishing brings significant grow th of DOI resolve amount,PubMed LinkOut hits,full text downloads,impact factor and citation inferior index.[Conclusions] Digital publishing promotes the development of scientific and technical journals,and also plays a positive role in expanding the journal communication range,and improving the academ ic influence and visibility.
Key words:
Network publishing,
Digital Object Identifier(DOI),
Archive backtracking,
PubMed LinkOut,
New media
李梅,王玥,刘爽,王叶青,徐茂强,刘志红,董文革. 《中华血液学杂志》网络化出版探索与实践[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 607-611.
LI Mei,WANG Yue,LIU Shuang,WANG Yeqing,XU Maoqiang,LIU Zhihong,DONG Wen'ge. Network publishing exploration and practice of Chinese Journal of Hematology[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 607-611.