【目的】 在新媒体时代下,总结检验医学新媒体实践经验,为传统医学科技期刊新媒体发展提供参考。【方法】 对《国际检验医学杂志》检验医学新媒体5年的探索之路进行详细剖析,依托期刊丰富的学术资源和扎实的学术内容策划,建立新媒体发展矩阵,策划新媒体内容,扩展新媒体服务模式,构建自身专业的学术新媒体平台。【结果】 借助期刊的专家资源,检验医学新媒体建立了以图文信息为主,在线直播、短视频为补充的内容发布阵地,通过征稿、约稿、栏目策划、在线直播、视频制作等方式,保证新媒体内容丰富,同时在打造作者队伍、案例出版、职称考试练习系统、专业书吧、视频学习库等方面扩展了期刊新媒体的服务模式,使检验医学新媒体成为国内检验医学领域影响力最大、关注人数最多的新媒体平台。【结论】 期刊的转型和发展只有立足自身实际,深入分析所在领域的特点,以用户的需求为导向,细分期刊服务群体特点,分层设计内容,做好内容精细服务,才能使医学期刊与新媒体真正实现相互促进、融合发展。
[Purposes] This paper aims to summarize the experience of new media application in laboratory medicine, which is expected to serve as a reference for the development of traditional medical journals in the era of new media. [Methods] We analyzed the five-year experience of International Journal of Laboratory Medicine in the application of new media. Via abundant academic resources and strong planning ability, the journal established the new media matrix, providing authoritative industry information mainly in the form of text combined with graphics, expanding service modes, and building its unique new media platform. [Findings] By virtue of expert resources, the journal constructed a content-publishing matrix dominated by the combination of text and graphics and supplemented with live broadcast and short video. Contribution solicitation, characteristic columns, live broadcast, and video production were adopted to diversify the new media content. The author team establishment, case publication, professional examination simulation system, professional online book bar, and video library enriched the service modes of new media. As a result, the matrix enjoys the highest reputation and the most subscriptions in the laboratory medicine circle. [Conclusions] Journals should take their own conditions and the discipline characteristics into consideration for transformation and development. In addition, the user demand-oriented mode, user segmentation, and hierarchical design of content should be employed to achieve targeted service and win-win development of medical journals and new media.
Key words:
Medical journal,
New media,
Content planning,
Service mode
徐少卿, 舒安琴, 唐强虎, 笪文武, 方琪. 医学科技期刊新媒体运营实践探索——以《国际检验医学杂志》检验医学新媒体为例[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2021, 32(4): 487-492.
XU Shaoqing, SHU Anqin, TANG Qianghu, DA Wenwu, FANG Qi. Exploration of new media operation of medical journals: Taking the new media of International Journal of Laboratory Medicine as an example[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2021, 32(4): 487-492.