【目的】 探讨科技期刊论文实施增强出版的可行性,探索科技期刊论文的新型展现和传播模式。【方法】 调研国内外科技期刊论文增强视频实践现状,分析典型案例。【结果】 分析增强视频对于科技期刊论文的积极意义,结合实例总结科技期刊论文增强视频的4种内容展现形式;探讨策划制作增强视频的6个流程和规范;梳理增强视频的5个传播途径;给出增强视频的策划出版模式。【结论】 增强视频出版是科技期刊探索互联网时代论文新型传播模式的必要尝试。
[Purposes] This paper aims to investigate the feasibility that scientific journals practice enhanced video of papers, and explore the new displaying and communication mode of scientific papers. [Methods] We investigated the application status of enhanced video in scientific journals at home and abroad and analyzed typical cases. [Finding] The positive significance of enhanced video in scientific journals is analyzed, four enhanced video displaying forms of scientific journals are summarized, six processes and standards of planning enhanced video are investigated, five routes of transmission of enhanced video are summarized, and the planning and publishing mode of enhanced video is concluded. [Conclusions] It is necessary to actively practice enhanced video in scientific journals to explore the new communication mode in the internet age.
Key words:
Scientific journal,
Enhanced paper,
Enhanced video,
Media convergence,
Digital publication
李仲先. 科技期刊论文增强视频的自我实现[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(10): 1006-1011.
LI Zhongxian. Self-realization of enhanced video in scientific papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(10): 1006-1011.