【目的】 提出期刊出版界、科技界和期刊评价方普遍认同的编委会运行机制优化指标体系,为期刊编委会创建、换届或优化提供参考。【方法】 采用德尔菲法和层次分析法,构建我国科技学术期刊编委会运行机制优化指标体系,并确定权重。【结果】 构建由 “编委会组织优化指标体系(宏观)”和 “编委办刊贡献考核指标体系(微观)”组成的“我国科技学术期刊编委会运行机制优化指标体系”。【结论】 本研究集期刊出版界、科技界和期刊评价方的智慧,构建了“我国科技学术期刊编委会运行机制优化指标体系”,将宏观层面优化和微观层面考核相结合,为我国科技学术期刊编委会创建、换届或优化提供指南或参考,以期真正实现我国科技学术期刊的“专家办刊”,进而推动我国科技学术期刊的高质量发展。
[Purposes] This paper aims to design an index system for optimizing the operating mechanism of editorial board of China's sci-tech academic journals (hereinafter referred to as the index system) recognized by journal publishers, academic researchers, and journal evaluators, which is expected to serve as a reference for the establishment, personnel changing, or optimization of editorial board. [Methods] Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process were employed for establishing the index system and determining index weight. [Findings] The index system, consisting of the macroscopic system for optimizing editorial board structure and the microscopic system for evaluating member contribution of the board, was constructed. [Conclusions] The index system, pooling the efforts from publishers, academic researchers, and journal evaluators and integrating macroscopic optimization and microscopic assessment, can be used as a guide for the establishment, personnel changing, and optimization of the editorial board of China's sci-tech academic journals, in a bid to promote the involvement of experts in journal publishing and high-quality development of sci-tech academic journals in China.
Key words:
Sci-tech academic jouranl,
Editorial board,
Editorial board member,
Operating mechanism,
Index system
闫群, 初景利. 我国科技学术期刊编委会运行机制优化指标体系构建[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(4): 405-413.
YAN Qun, CHU Jingli. Index system for optimizing the operating mechanism of editorial board of China's sci-tech academic journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(4): 405-413.