中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 28-35. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202009100819

• 专题:开放出版 • 上一篇    下一篇


颜靖华1(), 郑彦宁2, 毛一雷2, 浦墨2   

  1. 1)中国人民公安大学信息网络安全学院,北京市西城区木樨地南里1号 100038
    2)中国科学技术信息研究所,北京市海淀区复兴路15号 100038
  • 收稿日期:2020-09-10 修回日期:2020-12-17 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2021-01-15
  • 作者简介:颜靖华(ORCID:0000-0002-7837-8439),博士研究生,E-mail:;|郑彦宁,博士,研究馆员;|毛一雷,硕士,研究实习员;|浦 墨,硕士,图书馆员。

Open access status of academic journals in China

YAN Jinghua1(), ZHENG Yanning2, MAO Yilei2, PU Mo2   

  1. 1) School of Information and Network Security, People's Public Security University of China, 1 Muxidi Nanli, Xicheng District, Beijing 100038, China
    2) Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, 15 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100038, China
  • Received:2020-09-10 Revised:2020-12-17 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-01-15


【目的】 通过调研物理学,自动化技术、计算机技术(除计算机网络、安全保密)和图书馆事业、信息事业3个学科期刊的开放获取(Open Access,OA)现状,为我国学术期刊的OA发展提供改进思路。【方法】 通过对3个学科70种学术期刊的OA现状进行调研分析,从OA途径、OA类型、收费情况、版权情况、存储情况等角度分析这些期刊的OA现状及存在的问题。【结果】 3个学科有85.7%的学术期刊实现了OA出版,在OA的时效性、资源的可获取性,以及收费、版权和存储等OA政策的制定与实施方面依然存在一些不足。【结论】 应从完善现有期刊OA体系、整合各学科OA期刊平台和创新期刊OA发展模式几个角度,推进我国学术期刊OA建设。

关键词: 学术期刊, 开放获取, 收费, 版权, 存储


[Purposes] This paper investigates the open access (OA) status of academic journals of three subjects: physics, automation technology and computer technology (except computer network, security, and secrecy), and librarianship and information, which is expected to serve as a reference for the OA development of academic journals in China. [Methods] Through investigation, we analyzed the OA status and dilemmas of 70 academic journals of the three subjects from accesses, types, charge, copyright, and storage. [Findings] Only 85.7% of the journals have achieved OA, and there are still some deficiencies in OA timeliness, resource availability, and the formulation and implementation of OA policies on charges, copyright, storage, etc. [Conclusions] To promote the OA development of academic journals in China, we should improve the existing OA systems of journals, develop an integrated OA platform for different subjects, and adopt innovative OA development mode.

Key words: Academic journal, Open access, Charge, Copyright, Storage