【目的】 了解医学科技期刊引用网络参考文献的情况,为今后更好地引用和著录网络参考文献提供参考。【方法】 运用文献计量学方法,统计广东省12种医学核心期刊2016年引用网络参考文献的论文数、文献数和文献类型分布,分析新标准下网络参考文献的引用和著录特征。【结果】 12种医学核心期刊引用网络参考文献的论文数占论文总数的2.24%,引用的网络参考文献数量仅占参考文献总量的0.27%;按网络参考文献类型分类,引用电子公告类的文献数量约占网络参考文献总量的98%,引用电子专著、电子期刊论文的文献数量约占网络参考文献总量的2%。【结论】 医学核心期刊引用网络参考文献的比例较低;权威性和可靠性是医学科技期刊网络参考文献引用的基本原则;网络参考文献的著录格式不够简捷,建议在修订时考虑新的著录格式。
[Purposes] This paper aims to investigate the citation of internet documents in medical journals, which is expected to foster the citation and description of internet documents. [Methods] With the bibliometrics method, we statistically analyzed the number of papers citing internet documents in 2016 and the number and types of the documents in 12 medical core journals in Guangdong Province, thereby summarizing the citation and description characteristics of the internet documents given in the Information and Documentation—Rules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources. [Findings] In the 12 medical core journals, papers citing internet documents account for 2.24% of the total and the internet documents only take up 0.27% of the total references. As for the document type, electronic bulletins make up about 98% of the total internet documents and the proportion of electronic monographs and electronic journal papers is about 2%.[Conclusions] Medical core journals witness a low proportion of internet documents in references. Authoritativeness and reliability are the basic principles for medical journals to quote internet documents. The description format of internet documents should be simpler and a new description format is recommended.
Key words:
Internet document,
Medical journal,
Document type,
Description format
邵晓军, 吴国雄. 医学科技期刊引用网络参考文献的情况[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2020, 31(12): 1436-1439.
SHAO Xiaojun, WU Guoxiong. Citation of internet documents in medical journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2020, 31(12): 1436-1439.