【目的】分析CiteScore、CiteScore百分位与常用期刊评价指标的相关性,评价其文献计量学特征,为指标的进一步应用提供参考。【方法】以2016年数据为基础,在Scopus和Web of Science数据库共同拥有的学科中,考虑学科规模以及影响力的差异,选择4个学科的期刊为研究对象,分别在学科内分析CiteScore、CiteScore百分位与期刊常用文献计量学指标(SNIP、SJR、影响因子、特征因子、论文影响分值、影响因子百分位、标准特征因子、即年指标等)的相关性,在学科间分析CiteScore百分位与SNIP、影响因子百分位、标准特征因子的相关性。【结果】在学科内,CiteScore、CiteScore百分位与上述指标均呈现显著正相关(P均小于0.05);在学科间,CiteScore百分位与影响因子百分位、SNIP、标准特征因子均呈现显著正相关(P均小于0.001)。【结论】CiteScore可以和影响因子等文献计量学指标一样用于学术期刊的评价,CiteScore百分位也适用于期刊的跨学科评价。
[Purposes] This paper aims to analyze the correlations among CiteScore, CiteScore Percentile, and common journal evaluation indexes and provide references for further application of indicators. [Methods] Based on the data of shared disciplines in the databases of Scopus and Web of Science in 2016, taking differences in discipline scope and influence into account, we selected four disciplines as research objects. In each discipline, correlations between CiteScore, CiteScore Percentile, and commonly used bibliometric indicators (SNIP, SJR, impact factor, eigenfactor, article influence score, average JIF percentile, normalized eigenfactor, immediacy index, etc.) were evaluated. The interdisciplinary correlations between CiteScore Percentile and SNIP, average JIF percentile, normalized eigenfactor were analyzed. [Findings] There exist significant positive correlations between CiteScore, CiteScore Percentile, and commonly used bibliometric indicators (all P values less than 0.05). Among the disciplines, CiteScore Percentile and average JIF percentile, SNIP, and normalized eigenfactor have significant positive correlation (all P values less than 0.001). [Conclusions] CiteScore can be used to evaluate academic journals as impact factor. CiteScore Percentile also can be applied to interdisciplinary evaluation of journals.
Key words:
CiteScore Percentile,
Correlation analysis,
Journal evaluation
盛丽娜. CiteScore、CiteScore百分位与常用期刊评价指标的相关性分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2018, 29(6): 605-611.
SHENG Lina. Correlation analysis among CiteScore, CiteScore Percentile, and common journal evaluation indexes[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2018, 29(6): 605-611.