目的 为学术期刊编辑及时、准确地辨别各种学术不端行为提供现实依据,以充分发挥编辑在防范和打击学术不端行为工作中的作用。方法 根据《中国学术期刊影响因子年报》个刊影响力统计分析数据库,调查《广东农业科学》2007—2013年发表疑似学术不端文献的数量、类型、年际变化和疑似源文献类型,深入分析2012—2013年不端文献的重合度、重合内容、产生历程以及作者特征等。结果 找出以上文献的“漏网”原因以及编辑部管理工作上的漏洞,发现学术不端行为已不是简单地表现为复制和拼凑,而是已经演化为隐式的深层次学术不端。结论 编辑部应严格规范审稿流程、强化责任编辑的学术把关职责、执行收稿时查重+发表前二次检测以及双系统检测、建立学术不端问题共享数据库、注重刊后学术不端文献的撤销处理。
[Purposes] This paper aims to help scientific periodicals'editors lay a solid foundation of actual evidences and cases so that they can not only identify various cases of academ ic misconduct promptly and sharply,but also take initiative in suppressing such deeds.[Methods] By referring to ‘A periodical influence Statistics Database’ of CNKI, the author investigated the quantity,categories,annual changes and types of suspected sources of the suspected academic m isconduct papers published in Guangdong Agricultural Sciences from 2007 to 2013 and closely analyzed such significant attributes as the overlap ratio, the coincident content,the emergence and auctorial characteristics of academ ic m isconduct papers in 2012 and 2013.[Findings] The reasons why such academ icm isconducted papers have escaped editors'notice and the loopholes in the editorial departmentmanagement have been founded.Academ ic m isconduct has evolved from an act of simply copying ormaking up fragments from other journals into amore implicit deed that is harder to detect.[Conclusions] It is concluded thateditorial departments need to take such countermeasures as standardizing the process ofmanuscript exam ination, enhancing executive editors'awareness of their due responsibility, carrying out a checking system which allows the journals to be exam ined for overlapping contents after they are receivedand before publication or even taking a doubled-system check,building up a mutual database of academ ic m isconduct cases and paying attention to the w ithdrawals of published academ icm isconducted papers.
Key words:
Academ ic m isconduct,
Publishing tracing,
Editorial responsibility,
张辉玲,白雪娜,崔建勋,黄修杰. 学术不端文献的发表追溯及防范对策——基于185篇疑似学术不端文献的实证分析[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2016, 27(7): 691-697.
ZHANG Huiling,BAI Xuena,CUI Jianxun,HUANG Xiujie. The publication causes and preventivemeasures of academ ic m isconduct literature:an em pirical analysis based on 185 academ ic m isconduct papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2016, 27(7): 691-697.