[Purposes] The objective is to seek the thinking principle of themarket-oriented reform of academic journals and to promote themanagement and development of academic journals.[Methods] Based onmining the essence of Internet thinking,we analyze how to use Internet thinking in the process of academic journals from the perspective of market operation.[Findings] The essence of Internet thinking is to take the customer as the center.For this reason,wemustmeet the needs of customer to themaximizing extent evenmore,and reduce the cost as much as possible.If academic journals adopt market-determined mode,we will think and solve the problem according to the essence of Internet thinking in all steps including publication planning,editing process,publishing communication,and appreciation service.[Conclusions] Internet thinking is the thinking principle of the market-oriented reform of academic journals.We should understand the essence of Internet thinking,so that the development of academ ic journalswill be promoted.
Key words:
Internet thinking,
Academic journals,
张艳艳,金晓明. 互联网思维在学术期刊经营发展中应用的思考[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(9): 965-968.
ZHANG Yanyan,JIN Xiaom ing. Application of Internet thinking in the operation and development of academ ic journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(9): 965-968.