摘要: 目的 为打造具有专业特色的精品科技期刊,提出高校自然科学学报应依据自身的学科优势和品牌价值,对学报内容进行再开发。方法 通过介绍高校学报基本现况,并与技术类、科普类期刊的出版经营方式进行比较,分析了学报存在的同质化现象、受众面窄等问题,探讨了高校学报专业内容再开发的社会意义。结果 提出增设具有实用功能的栏目、发挥新媒体的传播优势、调动编辑的主观能动性和发挥学术群体的重要作用等举措,以实现高校学报专业实用功能的开发。结论 学报专业内容的再开发有益于提高高校学报的影响力,拓展学报的社会效益,同时促进其经济效益的提升。
[Purpose] In order to build a top-quality scientific journal w ith specialty features,a university natural science journal should be based on its own advantages of specialties,disciplines and brand value,and develop the more potential and practical functions in its journal content.[Methodology] By introducing the basic status of university natural science journals in China and comparing the university journals w ith technical periodicals and popular science periodicals in publishing and operating modes,the problems in the university journals,such as the homogeneity,narrow receivers and so on were analyzed,and the social significance of the professional content development of the university journals was discussed.[Findings] For the sake of the development of these functions,the countermeasures,such as establishing new columns of practical functions,developing the communication advantage of the new media,stimulating editors'initiatives and giving play to academ ic groups,and others were put forward.[Conclusions] As a conclusion,the professional content development of the university journals would be beneficial for improving the influence of the university journals,increasing their social benefits and enhancing their econom ic benefits at the same time.
Key words:
Natural science journal,
Professional content development,
Science popularization,
Professional and technical guidance
崔金贵. 高校自然科学学报专业内容的再开发探讨[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 566-571.
CUI Jingui. Study on the Development of professional content of university natural science journals[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 566-571.