中国科技期刊研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11): 1160-1165. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.201806190532

• 评价与分析 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 《宁波大学学报》编辑部,浙江省宁波市江北区风华路818号 315211
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-19 修回日期:2018-09-14 出版日期:2018-11-15 发布日期:2018-11-15
  • 作者简介:史小丽(ORCID:0000-0002-0681-4705),博士,副编审,。

Bibliometric analysis on status and hindering factors about Chinese university journals of natural sciences

SHI Xiaoli   

  1. Editorial Office of Journal of Ningbo University, 818 Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo 315211, China
  • Received:2018-06-19 Revised:2018-09-14 Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-11-15


【目的】 采用期刊评价指标的统计分析数据阐明目前高校自然科学学报(以下简称“高校学报”)在中国科技期刊中的学术地位和影响力,指出新时期制约高校学报整体发展的主要因素。【方法】 以进入中国科学技术信息研究所遴选出的2017年中国科技核心期刊目录(自然科学卷)中高校学报为研究对象,结合同年《中国科技期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》中期刊评价指标,统计分析高校学报在中国科技核心期刊中的占比,及其各项评价指标与其他核心期刊和非核心学报的差异。【结果】 2017年中国科技核心期刊中高校学报占比14.6%,与其他核心期刊相比,高校学报整体评价指标偏弱;不同层次、类别高校学报的评价指标差异明显。【结论】 以期刊评价指标衡量,高校学报整体学术质量和影响力偏低。现阶段制约高校学报整体健康发展的主要因素有办刊定位固化、主办高校综合创新能力不均衡、科研评价体系的偏向,以及僵化的办刊模式和缺乏竞争的办刊环境。

关键词: 高校自然科学学报, 中国科技核心期刊, 引证报告, 评价指标, 制约因素


[Purposes] This study aims to estimate academic quality and influence of the Chinese university journals of natural sciences, i.e. university journals, in the source journals of Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD) using journal evaluation indexes and point out hindering factors of university journals at present. [Methods] Taking the university journals selected into the source journals of the CSTPCD in 2017 as research objects, the proportion of the university journals in the source journals of CSTPCD was calculated, and their evaluation indexes were analyzed according to Chinese Scientific Journal Citation Reports (Expanded Edition) in 2017. The differences of evaluation indicators from three kinds of journals were analyzed. [Finding] The university journals account for 14.6% of the source journals of the CSTPCD in 2017; and the evaluation indexes of the university journals are low compared with those of the other source journals of the CSTPCD. There are obvious differences in the evaluation indexes between the university journals in/out of the source journals of the CSTPCD. [Conclusions] The academic quality and influence of the university journals in the source journals of the CSTPCD are relatively poor according to the journal evaluation indexes. At present, the hindering factors of the university journals are as follows: fixed orientation, imbalance among universities in regards of comprehensive innovation, bias of research assessment system, inflexible publishing mode and uncompetitive working atmosphere.

Key words: University journals of natural sciences, Source journal of Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database, Journal citation report, Journal evaluation index, Hindering factor