【目的】 探讨科技论文出版全生命周期的安全问题与解决措施,为加强保护科技论文中的涉密信息提供参考和借鉴。【方法】 从科技论文出版全生命周期视角出发,分析在作者选题策划、作者单位审查、编辑部审稿和涉密材料销毁4个阶段中存在的潜在安全问题,并给予建设性的意见与对策。【结果】 为确保科技论文出版全生命周期的安全性,作者需提高信息安全意识,作者单位需划定安全保密的等级,并且编辑部需培养兼顾专业性与保密安全意识的审稿人员。审稿人员需树立信息安全意识,妥善处理出版过程中的涉密材料。【结论】 随着科技论文的全面网络化,科技论文出版面临严峻的信息安全挑战。从全生命周期角度出发分析科技论文出版过程中面临的安全问题,探讨相应的对策,可预防在科技论文出版过程中泄露敏感信息与情报的问题。
[Purposes] This paper discusses the security problems of scientific papers in the whole life cycle of publishing and the solutions, and provides reference for strengthening the protection of secret-involving information in scientific papers. [Methods] From the perspective of the whole life cycle of scientific paper publication, we analyzed the potential challenges in information security during author's topic selection, the review by author's affiliation, review by editorial department, and destruction of secret-involving material, and then proprosed the constructive solutions. [Findings] For the the information security in scientific papers in the whole life cycle of publishing, the authors should raise awareness of information security and the authors' affiliations should offer clear security levels. Moreover, the editorial department should train reviewers who are both professional and confidential. Reviewers should establish information security awareness and properly handle the secret-involving materials in the publishing process. [Conclusions] With the comprehensive networking of scientific papers, the publishing process of scientific papers faces diverse challenges in information security. This paper analyzes the security challenges in the entire life cycle of scientific paper publishing and discusses the countermeasures, which can help prevent the disclosure of sensitive information in the process of publishing scientific papers.
Key words:
Scientific paper,
Whole life cycle,
Safety problem and countermeasure
王蕴, 吴炳潮, 关贝, 王永吉. 科技论文出版全生命周期的安全问题与对策[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2022, 33(12): 1609-1612.
WANG Yun, WU Bingchao, GUAN Bei, WANG Yongji. Security problems in the whole life cycle of publishing scientific papers and countermeasures[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2022, 33(12): 1609-1612.