摘要: 目的 探讨科技期刊论文不当署名现象并提出相应的解决措施。方法 通过查阅文献,了解著名科技期刊署名规范,并结合我国实际,分析不当署名的原因。结果 不当署名,如影子作者、名誉作者、随意更改作者等现象在科技期刊普遍存在。为避免这种现象的发生,科技期刊应严格制定署名规范,要求所有作者均声明对稿件的贡献,并承诺对稿件的诚信负责,对稿件有贡献但不具备署名资格者应予以致谢。结论 科技期刊编辑应提高对署名规范的认识,规避论文不当署名现象的发生。
[Purpose] This study explores the phenomenon of improper authorship in academ ic journals and proposes preventive measures.[Methodology] This paper searched and summarized the guidelines and regulations about authorship in prestigious academ ic journals.By combining the reality in this country,the causes of improper authorship were also analyzed.[Findings] Improper authorship was common in academ ic journals,including ghost authorship,honorary authorship,random changes of authors.In order to avoid this problem,academ ic journals should formulate guidelines on authorship,requiring allauthors to declare their respective contribution to subm itted manuscripts and accountability for the integrity of themanuscripts.Individuals who made contribution to the manuscript but not qualified for authorship should be listed in acknow ledgement.[Conclusions] Academic journals should develop better understanding of authorship norms to avoid improper authorship.
Key words:
Ghost authorship,
Honorary authorship,
Improper authorship,
高雪山,钟紫红. 科技期刊论文不当署名现象及规避措施[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2015, 26(6): 539-544.
GAO Xueshan,ZHONG Zihong. Im proper authorship in academ ic journals and preventivemeasures[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2015, 26(6): 539-544.