[Purposes] This study aims to perfect the theory of scientific research performance evaluation, prevent research misconduct problems of young scientific and technological workers, and assist in judging the risks of academic misconduct of submitted papers and authors. [Methods] With 1979 researchers in the field of cell biology as the research objects, we adopted the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and visualization methods to explore the impacts of retraction events in the early career on scientific research performance indicators such as the number of publications and total cites. [Findings] Retraction events have an impact on research performance. Early-career retraction incidents result in shorter research careers, higher retraction rates, and diverse effects on different research performance metrics. [Conclusions] The impact of retraction events in the early career is long-term. Early retraction indicators can be incorporated into the comprehensive evaluation system for researchers in a proper manner. Scientific journals should be cautious when publishing academic papers of researchers who have undergone early retraction events.
【目的】完善科研绩效评价理论,防范青年科技工作者的学术不端问题,辅助判断投稿论文与作者的学术不端风险。【方法】 以细胞生物学领域的1979名科研人员为研究对象,采用Mann-Whitney U检验、Kruskal-Wallis H检验以及可视化方式,探讨职业生涯早期撤稿事件对发文量、总被引频次等科研绩效指标的影响。【结果】 撤稿事件会影响科研绩效。职业生涯早期撤稿事件将使科研人员的职业生涯更短,撤稿率更高,且对不同科研绩效指标的影响存在差异。【结论】 职业生涯早期撤稿事件的影响是长期的,早期撤稿指标可以适当方式纳入科研人员综合评价体系。科技期刊在发表经历早期撤稿事件科研人员的学术论文时,应持谨慎态度。
CLC Number:
ZHANG Lihua, YAO Changqing. Impact of early-career retraction events on research performance of researchers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2024, 35(11): 1510-1522.
张丽华, 姚长青. 科研人员职业生涯早期撤稿事件对科研绩效的影响研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2024, 35(11): 1510-1522.