Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 1611-1618. doi: 10.11946/cjstp.202405210538

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Effects of author's internationalization level on journal impact and disruptive innovation in China journals indexed in SCI

ZHANG Zixuan1)()(), YANG Xinru1), LIU Xueli1,2),*()(), JIANG Yuyan2)   

  1. 1) School of Health Management, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 Jinsui Avenue, Xinxiang 453003, China
    2) Henan Research Center for Science Journals, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 Jinsui Avenue, Xinxiang 453003, China
  • Received:2024-05-21 Revised:2024-10-19 Online:2024-11-15 Published:2024-12-23
  • Contact: LIU Xueli


张紫璇1)()(), 杨心如1), 刘雪立1,2),*()(), 姜育彦2)   

  1. 1)新乡医学院卫生健康管理学院,河南省新乡市金穗大道601号 453003
    2)新乡医学院河南省科技期刊研究中心,河南省新乡市金穗大道601号 453003
  • 通讯作者: 刘雪立
  • 作者简介:




    作者贡献声明: 张紫璇:调研文献,分析和处理数据,撰写与修改论文; 杨心如,姜育彦:获取、处理与分析数据; 刘雪立:提出论文选题,分析和解释数据,审核与修改论文。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金项目“颠覆性指数引证数据来源和结构优化及其应用效果评价研究”(23BTQ085); 河南省高等学校哲学社会科学基础研究重大项目“河南省高校颠覆性科技创新测度与评价——基于颠覆性指数及其扩展指标的研究”(2024-JCZD-23)


[Purposes] This study aims to explore the effects of the author's internationalization level on journal impact and disruptive innovation in scientific journals, providing corresponding decision-making references for journal editors to correctly recognize and handle foreign contributions. [Methods] Taking 107 Chinese journals indexed in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) as the research objects, we obtained citation relationship data for all papers in these 107 journals from the Web of Science database and COCI, respectively. We calculated the fraction of author internationalization (FAI) and journal disruption index (JDI) and obtained the impact index from JCR. Finally, we conducted descriptive statistics and correlation analysis on these three types of indicators. [Findings] There are only 3 journals that rank in the top 20 for FAI, JDI, and JCI. Interdisciplinary studies of 107 journals show that FAI has a low correlation with JDI (r=0.215, P=0.026), JCI (r=0.223, P=0.021), and aJIFP (r=0.244, P=0.011), and does not correlate with JIF (r=0.123, P=0.206). A study of 19 journals in the field of materials science shows that FAI does not correlate with all other metrics except JDI. The study of high disruptive index papers in China's scientific journals shows that the number and proportion of high disruptive index papers are relatively high in Canada, India, and Vietnam. [Conclusions] The improvement of the author's internationalization level has a certain role in promoting the disruptive innovation of journals, but there is uncertainty in the improvement of the journal academic impact. The innovative contributions of authors from less developed countries and regions to China's scientific journals cannot be ignored.


【目的】探讨科技期刊作者国际化水平对期刊影响力和颠覆性创新的影响,为期刊编辑人员正确认识和对待国外来稿提供相应的决策参考。【方法】 以2022年版《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)收录的107种中国期刊为研究对象,从Web of Science数据库和开放引文数据库中分别获取107种期刊全部论文的引用关系数据,计算作者国际化分数(Fraction of Author Internationalization,FAI)和期刊颠覆性指数(Journal Disruption Index,JDI),影响力指标从JCR获取。对3类指标进行描述性统计和相关性分析。【结果】 FAI、JDI和JCI均排名Top 20的期刊只有3种。107种期刊跨学科研究显示,FAI与JDI (r=0.215,P=0.026)、JCI (r=0.223,P=0.021)、aJIFP (r=0.244,P=0.011)呈低度相关,与JIF (r=0.123,P=0.206)不相关。19种材料科学领域期刊研究显示,除JDI外,FAI与其他所有指标均无相关性。高颠覆性论文研究显示,加拿大、印度、越南等国家高颠覆性论文数及占比相对较高。【结论】 期刊作者国际化水平提升对期刊颠覆性创新有一定促进作用,但对期刊学术影响力提升的作用存在不确定性。欠发达国家和地区作者对我国科技期刊的创新性贡献不容忽视。

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