摘要: 【目的】 研究中文科技期刊策划、组织与出版精品专辑方面的工作,以期为国内中文科技期刊提供有益借鉴,促进中文科技期刊质量提升。【方法】 运用学术期刊价值链管理思想,结合经验总结法和案例研究法,分析《中国科学:数学》在 2014 至 2016 年策划出版的 8 本中文精品专辑的具体实践。【结果】 《中国科学:数学》中文精品专辑吸引到了海内外众多知名专家的高质量中文稿件。【结论】 出版中文精品专辑,有助于促进中文科技期刊质量提升、提高中文科技期刊国际化水平、增强中文科技期刊的文化自信、促进国内科学研究事业的进一步发展。
Abstract: [Purposes] This article focuses on the planning, organization and publication of Chinese special issues. It aims to provide a helpful reference to promote Chinese scientific journals. [Methods] We applied the ideology of the value chain management of journals, the experience summary method and case study method. We analyzed our practice of 8 Chinese special issues that were published in Scientia Sinica Mathematica during 2014 and 2016. [Findings] Chinese special issues in Scientia Sinica Mathematica attracted many high-quality Chinese papers from experts at home and abroad.[Conclusions] It is of significance to organize Chinese special issues, which can promote Chinese scientific journals, improve the internationalization level of journals, enhance the cultural confidence of Chinese scientific journals and promote further development of Chinese scientific research.
郑真真, 杨志华. 中文精品专辑的策划、组织与出版实践探索[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2017, 28(2): 121-125.
ZHENG Zhenzhen, YANG Zhihua. Exploration on the planning, organization and publication of Chinese special issues[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2017, 28(2): 121-125.