目的 探讨微信公众号服务模式,加深学术期刊对微信公众号服务的了解,引起学术期刊对微信公众号应用的重视。方法 针对学术期刊在微信公众号服务的具体应用上缺乏研究,以致其服务模式尚未成熟的问题,分析了学术期刊微信公众号服务现状以及其不足。结果 提出了一系列创新理念和改进措施,包括功能建设、编辑加工、信息服务和出版、读者互动服务、移动宣传、网络编辑人才的培养等创新模式,尝试建立一种适合学术期刊的微信公众号服务模式,推动微信公众平台在学术期刊中的应用,达到最大化发挥微信的公众服务功能。结论 随着学术期刊移动数字化建设的深入,微信公众号服务将在学术期刊中得到推广普及。
[Purpose] This paper figures out the prob1ems in sci-tech journa1s'Wechat pub1ic number so as to summarize the operating ideas we can 1earn from.[Methodology] This paper adopts the method of content ana1ysis and quantitative research;we se1ected four kinds of sci-tech journa1s'Wechat pub1ic numbers to ana1yze and research.[Findings] Through the research on the sci-tech journa1s,we understand the operation status of sci-tech journa1s Wechat pub1ic numbers comprehensive1y and objective1y.[Conclusions] The operation mode of Chinese sci-tech journa1s'Wechat pub1ic numbers shou1d focus on the pub1ic number positioning, estab1ishing KPIassessment indicators, estab1ishing professiona1operation teams and integrating cross-media resources.
[Purpose] With the analysis of problems of WeChat public number usage in academic journals,the functions of WeChat public number usage in academic journals can be improved and the service effects canbe advanced.[Methodology] Based on the investigation of Wechat public numbers in academic journals,the problems are summarized and analyzed.[Findings] The names of WeChat public numbers can not reflect the brand of academic journals,and the usage focuses on scientific journals.The function and structure are imperfect,information service is not diversified and the content is dependent on the traditional academic journals.[Conclusions] Itshouldmake greatefforts in reflecting the academic Journals'brand,quickening the certification progress,improving the service function,advancing the pushing effects,increasing the platform propaganda,and promoting the service consciousness.
[Purpose] The rapid development of digital technology,makes the media fusion to become the publishing industry development trend and the inevitable trend.In the background of media convergence,academ ic journal survival development inevitably must influence and impact.[Methodology] In order to adapt to the new development environment,academic journal should actively cooperate w ith the new media,and explore a new developmentmodel.The introduction of management industry alliance theory,creatively put forward the concept of academ ic journals in the new media industry alliance,to explore the development mode under the background of media convergence of academ ic journals.[Findings] To discuss the specific organization form,academ ic journal of new media industry alliancemode of operation,risk prevention and protection mechanism,and discusses its advantages compared w ith the traditional operation mode.[Conclusions] Academic journals in the media fusion development under the background of provides a reference way.