推动媒体融合纵深发展 践行智库期刊使命担当——以《中国科学院院刊》开办“智库战‘疫’”栏目为例
张帆, 杨柳春, 岳凌生, 文彦杰, 张勇, 王东方, 金杭川, 武一男
Promote in-depth development of media convergence, and practice mission of think tank journal: A case study on launching column of Think Tank's Fight Against COVID-19 by Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
ZHANG Fan, YANG Liuchun, YUE Lingsheng, WEN Yanjie, ZHANG Yong, WANG Dongfang, JIN Hangchuan, WU Yinan
中国科技期刊研究 . 2020, (6): 636 -643 .  DOI: 10.11946/cjstp.202006180599